Posted by: floridalossmitigation | September 29, 2010

The choice for Homeowners? Available Credit in a few short years or a DECADE?

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Short Sales and the Credit impact on the Homeowner. Where to begin? Here at Florida Loss Mitigation, LLC, our Loss Mitigation Specialist are here to educate homeowners (and some realtors) on the impact of a short sale on a homeowners credit. Short Sales can be a scary thing for a homeowner, but versus a foreclosure, it is definitely worth the battle. Either think of it in the terms of a few years or a DECADE!! For all ages of homeowners, foreclosure is devastating to your credit!! Educate yourself!   

We happen to come across this article from which briefly explains the impact of a short sale vs a foreclosure on a credit report. If you ever have questions on your credit report and your financial status, always consult a financial advisor or tax professional. We found the information in this article, easily understood and backed by a credited source from FICO.   


If you are a homeowner finding yourself in a hardship situation, loss of a job or less income, family illness, or anything that has made a drastic impact on your ability to repay your mortgage… and you want to leave your home… a short sale may be the best option. If you are interested in a short sale and want to save your credit while you can, contact us or a licensed and experienced short sale realtor to get the process started. If you need a realtor, we can assist you in finding one. ** We (Florida Loss Mitigation, LLC) are not real estate agents or brokers nor a referral company; we honestly refer homeowners to realtors that we know work with short sales and receive no compensation from said referral. **   

One last thing, refer to the second article titled “Free Short Sale Calculator” this will help homeowners decide if a short sale is right for them and their situation. This calculator is designed and provided by a Law Firm that represents Short Sales, but is based in Utah. We obviously don’t promote other Firms that deal with Short Sale negotiations, but they have a great tool that will help many see the reality of the decision of a short sale vs a foreclosure. It really does hit you hard when you see the amount of years it takes for Market value to return in your home if you stayed in the home and tried to tough it out and paying that mortgage. Think about the quality of life today and tomorrow for you and your family. It’s a hard decision but the one you make today may bring bigger and better things in the future.   

As this article points out… it may be time to GO!!! We say Short Sale that home and move on! You can be a homeowner again in a few short years rather than a DECADE!!!   

Blog Entry Copyright 2010 Florida Loss Mitigation, LLC 

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